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I was in so much pain.  My contractions were becoming closer and closer, and even though I was laying in the hospital bed, I was so uncomfortable.

TJ was sitting on the chair beside me, letting me clench his fist as the pain got worse.  From time to time, he kissed my head which definitely made me feel a little bit better. "Hey." He grinned as he stroked my cheek. "Even when having contractions, you are b-e-a,utiful. Don't worry about the pain, don't worry about bringing more life into this world. You have been an amazing mother to the Code-Ster, and now that we're about to have twins, I know that you're going to just shine. Come here, gimme a kiss." He was so loving, especially during childbirth.

The midwife had just went to prepare which meant that TJ and I had a brief moment to spend with each other. Codi was staying with Rich Swan during this time. "Babe, I know that it's hurting, but trust me, it's going to be worth it. I know that this pregnancy has been difficult, and I know that I have been a dick to you. I want to make things right, so Mrs Brooklyn Perkins, will you renew your wedding vows with me?" He still had his hand interlocked with mine, but he was down on one knee, with a beautiful ring in his other hand.

The pushing began, which brought a lot of pain, and sweat. But it was over. I was in hospital for three and a half days, but finally, it was done. TJ had gone outside of the hospital to meet Rich and get Codi, while I was in the hospital bed, going through Instagram. I saw a notification saying 'MEGATJP had started a live video! Watch I before it ends!' Me being nosey, decided to watch it, and was in total awe. "Hey guys, it's TJ back, and I just wanted to provide an update. Brooklyn has given birth to our beautiful twins, Keenan and Eden. Everyone is doing fine, Brookie's tired but she's coping. Thank you to everyone for the well wishes, and I can't wait to bring the twins back home. Sorry Nikki and Brie, but you're no longer my favourite twins."  

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