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I couldn't hold back the tears as I drove away. Being away from him was the worst feeling in the world. I couldn't even bring myself together to answer my phone when it continually rang. I knew it wasn't TJ, and to be concise, I didn't want to talk to anyone other than him.

After a gruelling 25 minute drive, I eventually arrived at Becky's apartment. She was kind enough to let me stay there for the night while her boyfriend was away. "Hey, sweetie." she said as she hugged me after opening the door. She had such a sweet personality; she even tried hiding all aspects of her relationship to try and make me feel better.

Once I finished showering, and making some berry tea, we sat on the couch and talked endlessly. "So, what happened? I thought everything was good." She asked as I flicked a tear away. "We were good, we were amazing. It's just since his whole neck mishap, he's depressed. And I guess I don't know how to deal with that, and he knew all along and he's going to leave me." By this point, I was full on crying. Becky pulled me in for a tight hug, before someone knocked on the other side of the door. It was Rich, who honestly was the last person I wanted to talk to. "Aw Brooklyn I heard what happened, I came to see if you're okay." He said as he gave me a quick hug. "Wouldn't you be more bothered in your best friend?" "Uh well actually, I'm on my way back from seeing him. There's broken decorations everywhere. He said he's angry that he got angry at you. He loves you."  Hearing someone say that TJ loved me tugged on my heartstrings. I missed him so much, I just wanted him.

That night was awful. I slept on the couch, but I wouldn't call it sleep; more of seeing TJ's social media posts and wishing he was next to me. I hated this. I didn't know what my next move was. Everywhere I looked, I was reminded of our relationship. My lock screen was a photo of backstage, he was my home screen. God, I missed him.

After four days of not talking, I received a message from TJ; I was so happy! It read:

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After four days of not talking, I received a message from TJ; I was so happy! It read:

"My dearest sweetheart, these past days without you have been the death of me. I miss your warmth, your laugh, the way you try to be quiet in the morning while I'm sleeping. The house is so quiet without your presence. I know I was a huge bastard to you, you didn't deserve that. I want to see you again, to talk. Meet me at the arena for Raw on Monday morning. If you don't come, then I know I have hurt you. I'm sorry. I love you.

All my love

Your Teddy Bear"

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