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Ever since bringing Codi into the world, TJ and I haven't had a lot of quality time together, but honestly it was to be expected

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Ever since bringing Codi into the world, TJ and I haven't had a lot of quality time together, but honestly it was to be expected. All of the motherhood blogs did warn us about the lack of quality time and sleep.

But finally, TJ and I were able to have our first date night since having Codi, primarily thanks to Maryse and Mike offering to babysit Codi for us. As they got settled in the house, they ushered us to enjoy the evening.

The restaurant in which TJ chose was absolutely adorable, dainty, with a sailor theme and baby blue interior.  As we were the polar opposite of high maintenance, obviously we both ordered pizza. Once the food arrived, our immaturity overpowered us! "Would you ever 'Lady and the Tramp' pizza?" He scoffed as he fed me. "How would that work?" "Well you have one side of the crust in your mouth, and I have the other side." "Babe, I love you, but we both know what happens when you see something in my mouth!"

As the evening progressed, I was consistently checking my phone to see if Maryse and Mike had called about any problems. I suppose it was a natural thing to do, especially the first time leaving the house without our daughter, but I couldn't help it! "Sweetie, don't worry about Codi, okay? She's fine." TJ reassured as he held my hand from across the table. "I know, it's just I miss her. This is my first time leaving the house without her and I just want her to know that I love her." But still I was checking my phone. "Babe, pass me the phone. Now, hand it over." I hated it when Teej was dominating outside the bedroom, so I gave in and handed him the phone before he put it in his jacket pocket. "There, you will get it when we get home. You need to stop worrying about her, she's okay. Come here, I love you." He smiled as I sat on his lap to give him a kiss.

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