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The night was a shimmering Black, with the stars shining. I was trying to sleep but it looked as if TJ was having other plans.

"Babe?" He groaned while I tried to sleep. "Huh?" "Babe, are you up? I've just seen your pregnancy boobs, and ugh, I want you right now. Come on babe, you know what happens when I crave you." "I'm tired, go to sleep." "I can't, my little friend is very excited and he wants to do things to you right now." "Buy a magazine!" "Come on, Brookie, let me treat you right." I had my eyes closed but I was awake. The feel of his stubble across my neck was such an alluring sensation. "Teej, you know I love you, and yes you are amazing in bed, but you need to sleep." I heard him groan which was adorable, I did feel bad but sexually frustrated TJ was amazing. I moved my head over and saw him talking to his dick under the blanket. "Soon, don't worry. We will get the chance to make her moan. But tonight, it's just my imagination, and my right hand." I tried so hard to not laugh, but I was just too tired for anything.

I woke up yet again, but not because of TJ. My stomach began feeling like menstrual cramps; I knew what was coming. I shook TJ's shoulder to wake him up. "TJ, wake up.." "I knew you'd come to your senses, now come to daddy." "No, no! I'm having contractions, I think I'm in labour."

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