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As I woke up, the day after the wedding, I noticed I wasn't in my hotel room

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As I woke up, the day after the wedding, I noticed I wasn't in my hotel room. That did startle me, until TJ walked into the room with a huge bouquet of roses. "Morning, beautiful." He smiled, as he kissed my forehead. He was definitely happy, which did worry me. "These are for you." He handed me the roses, and gave me a quick kiss. "What have I done to deserve these?" "Just being you, being the girl I fell in love with." He kept making me blush, this was just like when we were together. "Enlighten me, why am I here?" "Oh, uh, well, after we kissed on the balcony, we spent some time together at the wedding, and well, we slept together." He looked so proud of that accomplishment. "And by the way, you look beautiful in the morning."

The way his compliments rolled off his tongue was so special. I never realised just how much I had been missing him. "What does this mean though?" I asked as he finally decided to cuddle me on the bed. "Think about it, we clearly still have feelings for each other, we've made that clear. Where do we go from here?" He held my hand as I tried to not get too upset. "Well, how about this?" He smiled as he kissed my head again. "How about we start over, forget about what happened, re-try our relationship?"

Neither of us needed to say anything. We both knew what we wanted. Each other. All I wanted was to be with him again, and as I softly kissed him, we both knew what the answer was.

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