Distance Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

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As we were on the same brand, and near enough inseparable, being away from TJ was extremely tough, primarily for me

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As we were on the same brand, and near enough inseparable, being away from TJ was extremely tough, primarily for me. But I knew it was right, he needed to spend some time with his parents. Even though his parents admitted they adore me, I knew that after the disaster of their house, they needed TJ there to help. He was able to have three days off, to help his parents while I stayed on the road.

"I miss you." I said sadly as I tried holding his hand through the phone screen. Despite being away from each other, I still wanted his voice to be the last thing I heard and his face to be the last thing  see before I sleep. "Aw Princess, I miss you too. I'll be home soon okay, I love you." We had been on FaceTime for just under seven hours, but it still wasn't long enough. I understood that this was important to him but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't missing him like crazy.

As soon as the clock struck 10pm, TJ rang me again, and I had never been more excited to see him. He had such small and delicate ways of making me feel loved, and each of those things I treasured with my heart and soul. "Per our agreement." He smiled as I couldn't help but look at him with the biggest loving eyes. "I am in bed. But, god I wish you were here. It's weird not cuddling you." Moments like this reminded me why we were inseparable. Seeing him talk to his mom on the other side of the screen was really sweet, they had such a great bond. "No, no no, just look in the phone." He frowned as his mom was trying to see my on FaceTime. "Here, I'll hold it, and you just look down." "Oh, oh hello Brooklyn!" She exclaimed as she finally figured it out. "Hi, Mrs Perkins, I hope your son is behaving." "He is, he is, he's been a little star. I heard that he proposed, good for you Brooklyn, you're good for him!" Knowing we had her blessing to get married was incredible, I knew his parents really liked me but it was still a nice feeling hearing their approval.

"Ugh, they say never teach your parents about technology." He groaned as his mom left. "It's cute, but don't overwork yourself over there." "Deal, as long as you still look at wedding dresses like I asked you to do." I actually needed to talk to him about that, which was perfect timing. "Babe, I've been thinking and when I do that, I want to take your mom with me. Once they've settled in, and everything is sorted, I thought she might enjoy it." His smile lit up the entire room. "All she's been doing since I told her, is pester and pester me about whether you've looked at dress stuff, like how the hell am I meant to know?"

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