Time Together

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Even though I can't help but gush about how incredible my husband is, I truly meant every word. I mean, what type of husband would cancel travelling to support me? An incredible one!

TJ had decided to spoil me with a beautiful date night. I loved date night with him, especially this one! He knew that I looked too bruised up to face the public so he moved date night to the house. He was so caring and loving, he actually decided to cook for the two of us!

Granted, he didn't often cook, but he was an amazing chef. He was pretty much the most perfect human being to ever walk the earth, I mean he can cook, he's incredibly caring and doting and loving, and not to mention that body! Gorgeous. Absolutely gorgeous. And he wasn't ashamed of our relationship, having consistently posting photos of us on social media and liking fans comments about us.

We didn't have much food in the house, only protein meals, so that was our romantic meal for the evening. Once we had finished eating, I stayed in his arms as he was leaning on the kitchen island. Our date nights were usually pretty boring compared to others, just us saying we love each other, tons of kisses, and ending the night with sex!

"You are such a cutie." TJ smiled as he said between kisses. God, he was perfect. "But you're cuter." This debate continued for a while before he carried me up into the bedroom. Granted, I was injured, but that didn't stop us having a very active sex life. Yes the bedroom was fun but so were:

-Catering tables at Raw

-Locker-rooms (not always ours)

-The meeting tables at WWE Headquarters


-Makeup Chairs

And overall, pretty much anywhere we could find!

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