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TJ and I had officially been married for an entire year

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TJ and I had officially been married for an entire year. Wow, an entire year dealing with me, how does he do it? Even though we were celebrating our one year anniversary of marriage, we were also celebrating four years of being in a relationship. We didn't plan anything extravagant, just a simple dinner date together.

"Wow, you look incredible." Teej smiled at me as we placed our order. Date nights with him were my favourite nights, just him and I spending quality time together. We did post sweet Instagram photos for one another celebrating our anniversary, but we were more bothered about spending quality time together.

After finishing at the restaurant, we found ourselves walking down a cold street. We got married just before Christmas so we could've had a winter wonderland wedding, but oops. We were walking down a busy street when it began snowing. It was just like the movies, me walking in his arms, with his jacket draped around my shoulders.

"Fuck me, I love you." He smirked as he kept me in his arms. "I love you too." I smiled as I couldn't help but smile and give him a bunch of kisses. I'll never understand how I was so lucky to have him.

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