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Three minutes left

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Three minutes left. Three minutes until the biggest match of my career. Today had been amazing so far, waking up cuddled into TJ, and now having a date with him. And now, I had a match against Alicia Fox.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous; I was petrified. So many things could go wrong, what if I messed up a move and injured her? What if I had a wardrobe malfunction? One minute left. My brain was going crazy. But when I saw TJ, everything slowed down. He always made me feel better. "You scared?" He asked as he kissed my forehead. "Is it that obvious?" "Don't worry about it." He reassured. "You're an amazing superstar, you've worked so hard to get here. Every time you step foot in that ring, you kick ass, no matter whether you win or not. I am extremely proud of you." He proceeded to kiss my forehead again before slowly walking away.

It was go time. As soon as I heard the first beat from my music 'Sultry XO' (Peyton Royce's), I immediately stepped out, yet behind a shadow projector. I loved my entrance, it was so over-the-top! I proceeded to perform an acrobatic move with my black cane behind the projector, much like the rest of my previous entrances. As soon, as I walked through the projector, the stadium erupted with cheers; I had never heard anything like it. I swung the cane around my right side as I unbuttoned my coat. Then, as I entered the ring, I began to lay on the top rope, as I waited for Alicia to come out. Despite being slightly later than usual, Jo-Jo finally announced the match. "The following match is from the Raw Women's Division, and is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from Lancaster, England: Brooklyn Levya!" As soon as the crowd saw Alicia, she was introduced. "And her opponent." Jo-Jo began. "From Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida: Alicia Fox!"

As soon as the bell was struck three times, we immediately locked up, before she managed to get me in a headlock. For the following eight minutes, Alicia was totally dominating the match. The crowd were chanting "Let's go Brookey" as a form of encouragement for me. After quickly kicking out of a neck-breaker, little miss Crazy began her usual ranting, but this time screaming into the official's face, so I saw this as an opportunity. I got onto the top turnbuckle, dragging Alicia with me, and performed my finishing move: the Touch of Crimson. Nobody had ever kicked out of it before, it was a Headscissors from the top turnbuckle which formed into a ddt as we hit the mat. I knew I wouldn't find a better opportunity so I quickly covered her for the win.




I did it. I won my first ever WrestleMania match, yes it wasn't a way I wanted to, but I won! As soon as the crowd started cheering, it suddenly felt real, where I was, what I had done, before it just seemed like a dream. My music hit, and the referee raised my hand in victory. Wow. I did it.

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