Total Divas

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Ever since TJ and I announced our engagement, WWE had been pleading with me to be a cast member of Total Divas. Initially I was reluctant as I wasn't a huge fan of reality television, but the fans were also pleading, particularly just to see TJ and I's relationship, which I admit was rather flattering, but I knew our relationship was weird and it would definitely confuse people. But, eventually, I gave in, and agreed to be a cast member, but I held my grudge and only signed for one season.

The cast for this season was definitely unique to previous seasons. Carmella, myself, Lana, Renee  and Maryse were all joining Nikki, Brie, Naomi, Eva and Nattie which to some would spell drama but we all got along well, everyone except Maryse and the twins, but everybody knew about that.

"Woo, and that's filming done ladies!" Nikki exclaimed as we were enjoying a glass of champagne, before we started the production of the green screen. The green screen always came at the end of filming, as it gave a chance to reflect on moments from the series. Everybody had their issues resolved and we were all having a good time as we watched the girls do their green screen time. All of the girls looked incredible, then there was me with my denim on denim ensemble, but then it was time for me to be on the screen. "Eeep." I muttered as the girls wished me luck,

"Right Brooklyn, first we're doing the introduction. Just tell us about yourself, and it'll go from there." The producer said as I felt my arms shake. As I looked through the camera, I started. "I'm Brooklyn Levya, I'm 24, and I'm known to be a complete weirdo!" I wasn't a very serious person, and I found that to be one of my best qualities. "I've been in the WWE for around 7 years now, and I am currently the Raw Women's Champion. Woop woop!" I could tell the producer wasn't pleased with my personality, but as they showed a quick video montage that would be going in the programme, I couldn't help but smile at the work they had put in.

"I am in a relationship, somehow." I joked. "He is the light of my life. I like to call him my fuzzy-cotton-candy-teddy-bear-ball-snowflake-pie because why not?" That was true, we had the weirdest names for each other, but I guess that was the mystery of our relationship. "Oh, by the way, he's the Cruiserweight Champion TJ Perkins!" I smiled as a video montage of him showed up, and I overheard the girls 'awe' as I video recorded it on my phone. "Everyone always says 'aw you guys are so cute' but we're really not. We are the weirdest couple pretty much ever." A sweet montage of clips from the season of Teej and I showed, which primarily  was showing us doing sound effects at each other, our 'interesting' conversations about feet, lightbulbs, and animal sex, as well as our awkward attempts of taking selfies with each other.

Finally, I was done for a moment and I went back to the girls who were all in awe at the cute moments from the third montage. "While you were up there, a little care package arrived for you, over there, on the small table." Nikki smiled as I went to the table. TJ had sent me a square bouquet of roses with a note reading "Knock 'em dead. I love you."


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