A Walk In The Park

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Even though I loved being on the road and performing for the WWE Universe, the travelling did become very extreme and tiring. Luckily I had the world's most attractive and most godly travelling partner in the name of Teddy James Perkins, who spoiled me at any given moment.

He and I were set to be at Raw later on in the day so we saw this as an opportunity to spend some quality time together as husband and wife. Sometimes we felt like an old married couple, so we took advantage by taking a walk in the park before heading to the arena.

Fans rejoiced in seeing 'BrooJP' together, with many taking photos of us. Of course we were happy to oblige in meeting fans, signing autographs and taking selfies with them. But when Teddy and I finally had time together, I couldn't keep my arms off him. I had my arms wrapped around his stomach while he had his arm around my shoulders. I couldn't take my eyes off him, nor my lips! Well, could you blame me?

As we were walking, I couldn't help but notice he kept looking at my stomach. "You should really have my babies." "Well I think you should have my babies." I grinned as I kept my arms around him. "I'm climbing on you every time I get, trust me, if I could, I'd be smashing you right now, I don't see why we start for a family soon." He had such a 'romantic' way of wording things. But he was right, we were having sex at any given moment and at any given time, but when it came to babies, we had no luck. I loved him more than anything in this world, and I would love to have a family with him but what if it wasn't the right time? I had just came back from an injury, and I was trying to get back on to the level I once was, so for now, babies would just have to wait. But of course it goes without saying, we were having a lot of fun trying!

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