There's a First For Everything

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It had been five days since TJ's mishap and WWE wanted him to stay away from the ring for a month to make sure his neck was okay. I was able to stay home and look after him as his neck was in a brace and he wasn't able to move his head. I had to limit the amount of times I kissed him due to his neck, which was absolutely horrible. I love his kisses.

He was laying on the couch playing one of his beloved video games when I came back with the groceries. We hadn't officially moved in together but we spent the majority of the time at his place, with Kingsley mainly staying with a friend.  "Hey, handsome." I smiled as I softly kissed him. I knew he was feeling very depressed, being in the ring was all he knew, and it brought back memories he'd rather forget.
After I finished packing away the groceries, I made us both some hot drinks, cocoa with marshmallows. I knew his pain, the only trouble was he doesn't like opening up. At all. All I wanted was to make him feel better, and get him back to the TJ I fell in love with, not a depressed TJ that barely spoke. "Babe." I said as I stroked his hair. "Can you turn that off for me?" He actually listened and paused his game as I sat on the arm rest by him. "What's wrong, sweetface? I hate seeing you so depressed." He looked up at me for a brief moment before reverting back to his game.

"Teddy listen to me. I know how you're feeling, I know what it's like to be hurt and feel as if everything you've worked for was for nothing. I love you, and I want you to stop ignoring me. I want to help you." By this time I moved from the arm rest to crouching on the floor whilst holding his hand. "You understand nothing." He muttered as he tried looking away. "You've never been in this position, knowing that you could've paralysed yourself and hurt another superstar, and it's not recovery time, they're getting ready to fire me." "I don't know what it's like? Don't I? So you don't remember me rupturing my torn calf and having to be on crutches?" I could tell he was getting angry. "You hurt your leg, I could've been paralysed!"

We proceeded to have an extremely heated argument which escalated to me packing a bag. Most of my clothes were with him as I was his nurse, so I took a gym bag, and packed as many of my belongings as I could. I heard him smashing glass as he stayed downstairs. Once my bag was packed, I grabbed my handbag and ran down the stairs. I was hoping to leave without another confrontation, so I quietly opened the door before getting in my Lexus and going to my apartment. Was this it?

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