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Making our way back to the hotel was so heart-warming, fans outside of the arena couldn't contain their excitement as they saw me with the championship, and began chanting 'You deserve it'. I spent around half an hour with the fans, before finally needing to leave to get back to the room with TJ.

As we eventually made it to the room, I knew exactly what he was planning. "Right, close your eyes." He smirked as he covered my eyes. "Babe, you do this all the time, I know exactly what you're planning." He had a tendency to dim the lights and get his kit out so I wasn't overly surprised. "There, you can look now." But it wasn't what I expected. He  had decorated the room with hundreds of roses! "Babe, oh my god!" I was speechless that he had gone to such efforts to make me happy; he's a keeper!

But of course, when we were together, things escalated and after a vigorous make out session, we helped undress one another, he threw me onto the bed, as he crawled on top of me. As the night progressed, so did our 'private celebration.'

"Wow, baby!" He gasped as he came inside of me, before laying by my side. He had sweat dripping from his forehead, as he held my hand whilst pulling me closer to his chest. "Fuck me, you are perfect." He smiled as he regained his breath. I always loved what happened after sex as we always cuddled closer than usual. "Mm I love you." "Babygirl, I love you more than you can ever imagine." Every time I tried being sweet, he just had to go the extra mile.

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