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(This was wrote with a burnt thumb at 00:45am, so please ignore any errors. Life lesson: don't make coffee at 3am!)

Being on the road was so surreal. Yes I missed Codi, but I was exemplifying to her that you can be a mother and be back doing what you love. I was back on the road with TJ, each journey to a new arena feeling like an adventure.

Some of the women's roster from SmackDown Live had important media sessions in New York while the roster from Raw had Great Balls of Fire in a matter of hours, so we had somewhat of a reunion. Just before my gracious return to television, the girls from SmackDown competed in the first ever Women's MITB match and I was honestly so pumped for them! My girl Carmella won, so she was definitely one of my first port of calls the moment I got to New York!

Maryse, Mike, TJ and I had a double date the other night, where Maryse explained how she never went to her prom because her date stood her up. It was so heartbreaking to hear stories like that, especially since she was a fricking goddess, I bet that guy regrets it now! So Mike and I decided to put together a little 'Prom Re-enactment' while we were in New York, and we invited some of the girls from SmackDown.

It was located at the top floor of our hotel. That floor was just a restaurant but with beautiful views of New York. It just screamed 'romance!' TJ and I were actually the first to arrive, primarily because I wanted to make sure everything was looking perfect, but also because our floor was closest to the top. As TJ opened the door for me like a true gentleman, I was amazed at how beautiful it looked. Classy and elegant, beautiful spiral plants at either side of the door. Incredible ballroom music only increasing the ambience of the room. "Wow!" TJ exclaimed as he saw the room. "Babe, you really outdid yourself." He kissed my cheek as he took me to the dance floor, smiling at me. "And there was me, thinking you couldn't dance." "I'm full of surprises." He smirked as he winked at me, while he took my hands into his. "After all, what did I say before we slept together, then what did happen?" "Right, right." I chuckled as we started dancing. "You mean the time you said that once I saw your abs, I'll instantly be 'ready' for you?" "Uh-huh, and were you?" "Shut up babe." It was moments like this which I cherished, cocky and arrogant TJ boasting about how skills in the bedroom.

I felt like a princess. And as I looked over, there was my Prince Charming, gazing at the beautiful pastel pink halter gown he picked for me. The entire haltered area was covered in sequins, I just couldn't believe TJ had chosen this! "I still can't believe that you went into a store and chose a gown for me. I mean, this is beautiful." "Hey, what did I say? I'm full of surprises." "But come on babe, how did you know that this dress was perfect?" "Well." He grinned with those extremely kissable lips of his. "Honestly? I got it custom made for you. You've been so busy lately, with Codi, returning, being the most amazing wife, and now this prom. I wanted to spoil you, and let you know that the work you put in is appreciated." We were still ballroom dancing, and as the stars shone bright in the dark sky, I knew I would cherish this forever.

"You know, I kinda wish no one else was coming." I smiled as I looked into TJ's eyes. "This is just so romantic. Me, you, this room, and that beautiful view." "Hey." He smiled as he pulled me in for a hug. "I don't need to look out of the window to get a good view."  

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