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It was decided that my entrance would be after Bayley's due to the extravaganza of it. Once Bayley was in the ring, it was time.

Sixteen skeletons marched to the ramp and stood opposite each other, eight on each side

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Sixteen skeletons marched to the ramp and stood opposite each other, eight on each side. Then the lights went off, and the sound of a broken record echoed through the arena, with a creepy child voice, echoing 'I warned you.' This was my dream entrance! Black rose petals glistened down the audience, as the lights struck on a silhouette board, in which I did my signature acrobatic move. Then, a sudden fall to the floor, by doing the splits, which partnered with a BANG! The board rapidly moved up whilst the skeletons rushed to my 'aid' yet as I stood up, I was covered in a facial skeleton mask. This was going amazing! As my music hit, the skeletons led me down the ramp, tearing apart the mask until all that was left was my makeup for the match. The skeletons lifted me onto the ring, before I made a gesture telling Bayley to 'get out of the way.'  

That entrance was incredible, it was one of my favourite moments of all time. As soon as the bell rung, I immediately went after Bayley, slamming her into the mat and throwing punches at her. I rolled my eyes before I body-slammed her through the ring. I was completely dominating her. Within thirteen minutes of the match, she had no domination, so I pushed her into the barricade, in which she immediately fell. I saw it as an opportunity, and got onto the top rope, to perform the Touch of Crimson, but not before I took TJ's glasses out of my pocket, put them on and did a quick dab, before performing my finisher and going for the pin.




"Here is your winner and still your Raw Women's Champion: Broooklyn Levyaaaa!" Half of the crowd were booing, the rest cheering. Just then, Alicia came out and applauded my victory. I refused to acknowledge her and headed backstage.

Being backstage landed me a huge round of applause from everyone there, and an adorable hug and kiss from TJ, in which the photographers captured. I did it. I survived WrestleMania and remained the Women's Champion. "Now, I believe I was promised something." TJ whispered in my ear as he smirked.

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