Where The Heart Is.

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Since Carmella's wedding, things had finally been improving. TJ and I were speaking all day, every day, and were making plans for him to move back into the house. It felt right.

Today was the day. TJ was meant to move back in, and we were going to be that perfect family unit again. Yes it may take time to get used to, but we've been together for such a long time, that it'll be easy. Even though I was eight months pregnant, nothing in the house was organised. I just didn't have the energy to even get out of bed some days, where as there'd be other days where I'd try to get the nurseries done, but would end up cramping. So there was no nursery, and cardboard boxes from the moment you walked in through the front door. 

I didn't sleep well last night, partially because the twins were kicking throughout the night, but mainly because of today. I was nervous, but I was excited. I was anxious to see how we'd cope after this break, but I was so excited to return back to that perfect family unit we once had.

As much as I would've liked to, I wasn't exactly dressed for the occasion. Leggings and one of TJ's old shirts, with ugg boots. Doesn't exactly scream 'welcome home', but it does scream 'I'm heavily pregnant with twins' so it was going to have to do. Even Codi was excited to see daddy, she kept wandering to the front door with Pharoh, which was more than adorable. But once the front doorbell rang, my heart told me it was him. I opened the door with a huge smile on my face, and seeing the love of my life standing there with luggage. Those 'welcome Home' kisses were something I definitely missed. I stroked his cheek as Codi tugged on his leg. "Sorry I'm not dressed to impress." I blushed as I walked back into the house as TJ followed carrying Codi and his luggage. "Something about stiletto's and being eight months pregnant just doesn't bode well." "Hey, you're perfect just the way you are. I didn't marry a makeup brush, I married that girl with the half-asleep face in the morning."

I helped put his luggage away, and saw that the thing that was at the top of his suitcase, was our wedding photo. I held it close to my heart before putting it back on the bedside table; it's rightful place. "Babe? I need you in the nursery!" He called the moment I finished unpacking. Codi was asleep finding a new pillow in TJ's hoodie. I wandered briskly to the nursery, and saw my husband standing there, feeling quite accomplished of himself. "Did you really think I was gonna make you do the nursery by yourself?" He grinned as he wrapped his arms around me, my eyes still in awe at the completed and furnished nursery. "You know, I thought today would be awkward, the way we left things, but I don't think it could've gone any better. I mean, I've done the nursery up for you, there's no tension, you're still as beautiful as the day I met you. I'd say that today is a good day." My head was rested on his shoulder as I gazed at the purple and silver striped wallpaper. "Hey, stud-handyman, you got a bit of base coat on you." I smirked before rolling white paint on his cheek. "And now you know why you've had three of my children." He smirkingly whispered before holding me down, close to the floor and kissing all over my face, making me close my eyes so he could roll paint on me.

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