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The biggest event of the summer and WWE's second largest pay-per-view SummerSlam was rapidly approaching

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The biggest event of the summer and WWE's second largest pay-per-view SummerSlam was rapidly approaching.  There was speculation and talks of the main event being a 4-Corners elimination Tag Match, and I had been in meetings where they were discussing them but there was no solid confirmation. The tag match was set to involve four of WWE's most popular couples, which befuddled me as why wasn't Hunter and Stephanie part of it then?

"So it's definite then, SummerSlam will have a 4-corner tag as the main event!" Hunter exclaimed as he greeted me backstage at Raw. Hunter was always like my second father, when I was down in developmental, he was my mentor, and we have a weird father-daughter bond with one another. "And from what I've heard, it's two couples from Raw, two from Smackdown Live." This was huge news, four men and four women were being part of the main event of SummerSlam!

Teej and I were backstage at 205 Live, well he was in a match and I was wandering around the arena with Carmella. Even though she and I were on separate brands, we were such good friends. "Who do you think is going to be in that main event at SummerSlam?" She asked as we walked past the makeup artists. "John and Nikki for definite, they're gonna have to be. And maybe Maryse and Mike? Other than that, I have no clue." There were rumours flying around of who was going to be part of it, but everybody could tell Cena and Nikki were going to be part of it. "I'm predicting it now, you and TJ will be part of it." "As fun as it would be, we're not a power couple here, Cena and Bella? Definitely. Mike and Maryse? Definitely." "Girl, I'm telling you, since the engagement, everyone has wanted you guys to be in a match together, you had one but Alicia was part of it, so ugh." Maybe Carmella was right, the WWE Universe did express their love of seeing photos of TJ and I, maybe we were somewhat of a power couple. But whether we'd be part of the SummerSlam Main Event? Only time could tell.

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