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It had been nearly four months since the Great Balls of Fire pay-per-view, the first pay-per-view since my return to a WWE Ring. Alexa had retained the title, but just barely. You see I was inches away from becoming the next Raw Women's Champion but Nikki Cross from Sanity came out and attacked me, causing a win through disqualification.

But honestly, the feud that Nikki and I were in was incredible. I was her first feud on the main roster, so I knew she was nervous but she was such an incredible character.

From what I was able to interpret, Nikki was going to continually get involved in my matches, and during her matches, she'd pay homage to me. The feud was going to lead to a huge tag team match in Sanity's version of Hell in a Cell which I don't really understand because a tag match in a cell doesn't seem very likely.

But swerving away from work, my home life was just incredible. Everyone warned Teej and I that once we had Codi, our relationship could turn sour, but she's actually completely improved our relationship! Yes there were times when we were completely exhausted and we missed out on date night, but we're professional wrestlers and parents of a child under the age of one, so we were going to be exhausted.

Codi was growing up so quickly though. It was her first birthday in a matter of weeks, she was already walking, talking and deciding which wrestlers she likes! WWE spoilt her and always sent her merchandise, but honestly, who couldn't love her? Reby, Matt, TJ and I joked around that Maxel and Codi would probably be part of a romantic storyline when they're our age, but they were definitely best friends!

(Apologies that this chapter is short, crappy, late and ew. I've not been in a positive mindset.)

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