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Life was incredible. Granted, yes, I wasn't in the ring, but I was bringing life into the world. There are dozens of fangirls who'd love to have been in my position, married to TJ Perkins, expecting his child, knowing that he loved me. I mean, I could hear fangirls cries.

But due to the fact my husband was so incredible and so thoughtful, he decided to come back home for two days before flying out to Kansas, even though it meant an overall longer flight time. His excuse? 'I want to see my girl.' Even if he had horrific jet lag, I couldn't help but be excited to spend time with my husband; no matter how short it was.

As night grew upon us, I heard the door open. As footsteps walked up the staircase, I saw TJ and nearly squealed with excitement. "Aw there's my girl, hey baby." He smiled as he greeted me with a kiss.

Eventually he was settled in bed. I loved moments like these, cuddling with my man, knowing that in a matter of months, we'd have a beautiful daughter in the world with us. It must've been hours that passed when I was awoken by something. A kick. Teej probably felt me sit up, he kissed my shoulder before his hands met mine, over my stomach. "You okay sweetie?" He asked as he kept his head by mine. "I'm amazing, here feel this." It happened again. She kicked. TJ was speechless, it finally felt real, we were having a baby.

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