WrestleMania Day

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I woke up with my head buried within TJ's chest. Something about being so close to him felt so right. It felt like I was fulfilling a craving; a desire. But nothing could ever excel from this, after all, this was just for the night. Honestly, I didn't want to leave this position. Seeing him smile in his sleep with his arms around me, was a picture worth a thousand words.

"Good morning, beautiful." Those three words sounded like angels singing as I felt TJ's soft lips against my forehead. He was absolutely perfect. I knew I didn't want to leave his side so I groaned as he sat up, forcing me to make myself comfortable, again. I was so eager to saviour this moment for as long as time would prevail. "Huh, someone's sleepy this morning." he smiled as he gently stroked my hair as I placed my head back on his chest. I had a strong, powerful urge sweep through my body like a tornado; I craved his lips on mine.

After not moving for twenty minutes, we both knew if we savoured this moment any longer, we'd be late so I grudgingly got out of bed and headed for the shower. The tepid water clashing against my body was so refreshing, and the berry scented hair and body products smelt so dazzling compared to sweat. As I stepped out of the shower, I wrapped my body in a warm, white, fluffy towel and proceeded to make my way towards the bedroom.

Of course, TJ had decided to take advantage of my absence and fell back asleep, but I soon solved that conundrum; with a kiss.

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