Universal Announcement

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My due date was looming near, with only three months until the baby arrived. Only TJ and I knew about my pregnancy, but it was extremely difficult to hide my baby bump.

I asked senior officials if I was able to address the WWE Universe as well as the superstars on Raw tonight. My nerves were skyrocketing through the roof, I mean, how would people react to me being pregnant? My family didn't even know the news, how would they react?

"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome: Brooklyn Levya!" The announcer spoke as the crowd cheered me. Once I was in the ring, the audience started chanting an edit of a song to fit me: 'hey, hey Brooklyn, I wanna know if you'll be my girl.'  I loved being a WWE Superstar, it was everything I had worked so hard for, and now, well it was going to be the end. "Usually, I am out here to cut a promo on whoever or I'm out for a match. But now it's different, you see all of my life I have worked as hard as I can to be in the ring. To try and be an incredible superstar, to change the face of the women's division, and to inspire young girls who may have had a bad start in life, and to show them that no matter what your past is, you can achieve anything you've put your mind to. I have been your Raw women's champion twice! I have been a star on Total Divas, I've been at the Make-A-Wish foundations. And I've loved every second of it! This has been my dream." This was it.

"Many of you may know that I am married to the Fil-Am-Flash, and well, I am here to announce that, I am expecting a child. I love being a WWE Superstar, and it's always been a dream of mine, but being a mother has also been another dream. And it is with a heavy heart, that I announce that I won't be in the ring wrestling for quite some time."


Once the segment was over, many of the superstars and backstage management hugged me a congratulated TJ and I. Once I saw TJ, he gave me the biggest hug, as he knew that announcing the pregnancy was a big deal for me. "I know that was difficult for you, come here, come here, I love you." He whispered as he kissed my forehead. Even though today was difficult, I was excited to start this new chapter of our lives, TJ, myself and our beautiful baby daughter.

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