Uncalled Reactions

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TJ was coming home today. My heart was beating out of my chest, I couldn't wait to see him! Yet, I still needed to figure out how to tell him I was expecting his child, and how was I going to tell him after he had been so melancholy since losing his championship?

Once that door opened, I practically leapt into his arms, I couldn't resist it! It's difficult being away from someone you just want to smother in lip locks. But he didn't mind, especially since he held me and couldn't stop giving me kisses. "You have no idea how happy I am to see your beautiful face." He whispered as he stopped kissing me for a second. I knew he was still hurting about the championship, but he was home, even if it was just for a day and a half, which meant that I was able to look after him in the best way I could.

Once he was settled in, and we were cuddled up on the couch, with Pharoh huddled over our feet, and Bluey wrapped over our bodies, I knew I had to tell him the news. But things didn't go exactly as planned. His phone buzzed, and who else was it but Brian Kendrick?! Perfect. Kendrick had always been a thorn in my relationship with Teej, and he was the one who defeated TJ for the title. I saw a glimpse of the message, a selfie of Brian with the title, and the caption 'I got your title, now time to get your girl.' I saw how much this infuriated TJ, so all I could do was hug him as lovingly as I could, and constantly reassure him that I only had eyes for him.

But that was three hours ago. It only went from bad to worse. And I mean it was horrendous. TJ has always been insecure that I'll 'leave him for someone better', but there was no one better than him, and we were having a 'very heated discussion.' This wasn't the way I wanted to tell him I was pregnant. Even when I found out he had cheated on me, we had never argued as bad as we were currently doing so. "So that's it, right?" I groaned as he walked up the stairs to pack a bag. "It's your way or no way? Well I'd love to see how that works when this baby gets here." No response. Nothing. He showed no emotion as he walked down the staircase.

"Do you even care that I'm carrying your child?" "Make it Brian's child, it's what you both want anyway. Don't think I don't know about your little conversations. When I'm trying to give you the best life I can give, while I'm trying to help you heal your neck, what are you doing? Texting your latest guy, complaining about me. If you didn't want me to help you recover, then you should've just said. Cause you know what, I am now a laughing stock, that I had been doing the best job I could to be a good husband!" He stormed out. Honestly, from the bottom of my heart, I never ever messaged Kendrick, he made me sick.

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