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Since having the surgery, I had been working as hard as my body could physically take to get medically cleared sooner rather than later

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Since having the surgery, I had been working as hard as my body could physically take to get medically cleared sooner rather than later. Even though I was forced to wear a neck brace, I wasn't going to let it stop me.

TJ was travelling which meant that yet again, it was just Pharoh and I at the house. It was horrible not having TJ there, but it was also really calming. In a weird sense. Even though we lived in the city, Pharoh and I found a gorgeous woodland area, which was about a forty minutes drive away from the house, so we did decide to spend a lot of our walks there.

As we drove to the Woodland, who else phoned me but my incredibly loving husband. "Baby!" I exclaimed as I was so excited to speak with him. "Aw, babe, I've been missing you too." Hearing his sweet voice filled my heart with such happiness. "So where is my beautiful wife and our big baby heading off to today?" "Going for a run quickly, where's my loving husband travelling to today?" "To you. I wish." He was such an incredible husband, even if we were hundreds of miles apart from each other.

After Pharoh and I's run, I posted numerous photos of him throughout the Woodland. During the run, I had a rule to only use my phone for music, and not social media. But truth be told, the main song I listened to was TJ's Cruiserweight Classic entrance music: Devastate by The Heroes Lie. It reminded me of everything that TJ had gone through and it motivated me to work even harder.

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