Just Another Day At The Office

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It had been four days since TJ left to travel, and I was missing him like crazy

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It had been four days since TJ left to travel, and I was missing him like crazy. I wouldn't be able to see him for another three weeks, three, long, horrendous weeks. Being in a relationship with a superstar was extremely difficult, especially when it came to travel. Trust. There had to be trust in your relationship if you're with a WWE Superstar.

I woke up like I do most mornings when he's gone; craving his love. I made a promise to myself to read one 'reason' from his list every morning to make me feel motivated and today's reason was: 'I love you because you've shown me happiness when all seemed sad, light when all was dark.' He should've been a poet, well when he's finished with wrestling anyway.

But today was different. I was actually not going to be moping at home, wishing Teej was with me. Oh no. In fact, I had received an email from WWE, saying that there has been outbursts of comments from any form of contact available saying that the WWE Universe were begging for me to be back on tv, so we came to an agreement that I'd be a guest commentator until I was fully healed and cleared to wrestle. I was so excited!

Being a commentator meant I didn't have to pack gear which was a huge sigh of relief as I only had a light bag to carry. As I got off the plane, I knew I wasn't allowed to be seen by any wrestling fans, so I kept wearing TJ's hoodie with my head looking directly at the floor, all the way until I was backstage at Raw.

After a positive meeting with Stephanie, I headed into the girls locker room to catch up. I hadn't seen them for at least three months, and I was almost expecting to be pestered about being with TJ. "Ah OMG, Brookie, you're here!" Bayley exclaimed as she pulled me in for a tight hug. "Why are you here?" Sasha asked as all of the girls (minus Alicia) joined in for a group hug. "Well, you were missing me so I had to come back!" I laughed as the girls crowded round me. "No, seriously, they offered me a job as commentator until I'm cleared." I nearly got an earache as the girls squealed with delight. "Wait, have you seen Mr Lover Boy yet?" Dana asked as they nudged my arm. "Not yet, I miss him like crazy though." "Hey, how come TJ didn't tell anyone about you being here? And more importantly, why didn't he drive you here?" "The thing is." I muttered as they all looked at me with anticipation. "I kinda didn't tell him, I want to surprise him."

After non-stop gossiping with the girls, I knew I had to see TJ. That was all I wanted to do since I got off the plane. Goldust was my father figure in this business, so it felt amazing to catch up with him as we walked down what felt like a million corridors. But finally we arrived at the Cruiserweight locker room. The first person I saw was TJ, sitting on an equipment box with Rich, Noam and Jack, and by the sounds of it, they were talking about me.  None of the guys noticed I was there so I was able to creep up on TJ, but half of me just wanted to hug him and never let go.

I quietly crept up on him before wrapping my arms around his waist and hugging him. I only stopped when he turned around to see me there. Neither of us had any words for each other, so we ended up hugging and never wanting to let go. "There it is, BrooJP, is in the building." Rich smiled as the all awed at TJ and I. I didn't care what they were saying, I just wanted TJ. "What are you doing here, beautiful?" Teej asked as he continually kissed me. "I wanted to surprise you. They offered me a job as guest commentator until I get cleared." He looked so happy to see me, it filled my heart with such warmth and happiness. Despite whoever walked by, we were so focused on being with each other, even to the point we were having one of those romantic-movie-kisses when Vince walked by!

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