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The biggest event of the summer was finally here: SummerSlam! The creative team were desperate to make this pay-per-view as memorable as can be, and even though it was pretty risky, TJ had an incredible idea that he had told no one. Not even me.

The main event was rapidly approaching and I was starting to get nervous. As always. I hadn't seen TJ for a while, not since he gave me a kiss and said he loves me. I was wandering around the arena with Enzo, who I definitely classed as my brother. He had a match on the kickoff show and he was helping me calm down. "Sis, think about it this way." He smiled as an official warned me I had to be at the curtain in under two minutes. "You're the Women's Champion, you're going to do incredibly." "Heads up" An official shouted as firework explosions went off.

" "Heads up" An official shouted as firework explosions went off

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Go time. Alexa and Noam made their entrances, followed by Mike and Maryse. As Nikki and John did their entrance, I was getting worried. I hadn't seen TJ and he was never late. But, my music hit, and I proceeded with my entrance. My gear for tonight was incredible; a fringe blank bodysuit and insane skull makeup. I got to the ring, and started trash talking the girls before TJ's music hit. I was so happy knowing that he was okay, but his music has a melting sound to it, before the screen showed cracks and a dark room appeared. A masked figurine was perched by the wall. "Everything you knew is gone. You've been warned." Eerie music swept through the arena as the figure came out. Nobody knew what was going on. Once he was in the ring, he gave me a kiss and the match begun.

Maryse and Alexa started the match, with Nikki eager to get in, and I was just sitting on the top turnbuckle with TJ massaging my shoulders. And then it was Maryse and I in the matchup. The other two girls were out of the ring, so I performed a detonation kick and got Maryse and Mike eliminated.

I had to tag in TJ after a while cause I could see he was getting restless. "Judging by this guy's costume, he calls himself Suicide." Michael stated as we watched TJ and Noam in the ring. "Everybody knew TJ had a dark side!" Corey exclaimed. "Do we think this is it?" TJ had eliminated Noam and Alexa, leaving just TJ and I against Nikki and John. "Oh ho ho!" Corey exclaimed as the four of us were having a huge staredown. "The power couple of Raw versus the power couple of SmackDown Live!" Nikki and I immediately went after one another, as the rules stated a cruiserweight wasn't allowed to have any in-ring contact with someone with the build of Cena. "And the Touch of Crimson!" Michael exclaimed as TJ and I got the win. "Here are your winners: Suicide and the Raw Women's Champion Brooklyn Levyaaaaaa!" The announcer exclaimed as mine and TJ's arms were raised in victory. On Raw, TJ and I had been in segments where I had been trying to seduce his darker side, and Suicide was the debut of his darker side.

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