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Life was perfect. I got to wake up by the love of my life each and every morning, and I had been cleared by medical officials and I was set to return the week after.

As Monday approached, I knew that there was to be no spoilers or any information which could lead to my return. The only person that knew was TJ, because he was going to be a part of it. As we arrived at the arena, I gave Teej a quick kiss as he walked into the arena before I covered myself in a hoodie and got into a nearby coach. Mark Carrano greeted me in the coach, and we began going over contracts and documents.

As Raw began, we watched it on a small monitor, before Vince McMahon walked in. I was shocked! "Ah Miss Levya, with your help, Raw is going to shine tonight!" He was royalty to me, I felt like I should've bowed to him. "But here's the deal, and yes this is tough, but this is business. We can guarantee that you're gonna blow the roof off this place, but we're hoping it leads to bigger things. You have the makings of a perfect heel, what we want to do, is in the near future is to give you a title shot, which'll lead to a heel turn. What do you think?" I didn't know what to say. Vince has enough faith in me to let me have a title opportunity! "Ye-yes of course!" I stammered as I couldn't contain my excitement. "When would the heel turn happen?" "Within three months, four at most." Wow.

Carrano looked up at the small monitor before looking at Vince. "Time to go." Vince covered a blazer of me, as I quickly got out of the coach and looked down, making sure I wasn't noticed. As we got into the arena, everybody moved away from Vince. "Here, stay in the meeting room. Don't let anybody get in, we'll get your gear."

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