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"Don't worry babe, you'll knock it out of the park

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"Don't worry babe, you'll knock it out of the park. Look at all of the challenges you've faced, I love you so much." Those were the words I needed to hear. Nothing about the challenges, just having that reassurance that he loves me.

Since being publicly drafted to SmackDown Live, I was honestly beside myself. When you're in a relationship with a fellow WWE Superstar, your worst nightmare is being drafted to separate brands. And that had just happened to TJ and I. Knowing I was going to see him maybe once a month if we're lucky was heartbreaking, I hated being away from him.

We had been married for just over half a year, we were never apart, and I was desperately trying to not hold back tears at the thought of being away from my husband. "Hey, hey don't cry." He reassured as I was desperate to hug him through my phone screen. "Who knows, maybe the Cruisers will end up being re-drafted and I could spend time with you. But please, please, please, don't stress out about this. Clearly both brands adore you, I adore you and if it was up to me, I'd have you here, making babies with me, at whatever place we found. You were an incredible women's champion for Raw, you're going to be an incredible Women's Champion for SmackDown Live, not only are you my wife, but you are my inspiration. No matter whether we wake up together or thousands of miles apart, I will always love you. Always."

This was the first night since the draft news was announced that TJ and I were apart. The hotel bed felt bigger without the warmth and love of my husband. As I opened my travelling bag to find some pyjamas to wear, I saw an enclosed teddy bear, which as I pulled out of the bag, was holding a heart saying 'I love you.' Oh god, I missed TJ more than I could explain.

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