And Baby Makes Three

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I knew it was time to tell TJ. I was able to get home slightly early in order to surprise him with the news. I knew I had to surprise him in a way that was special, so I decided to buy a variety of 'pregnancy related' video games and a new controller. I was suffering from horrible morning sickness, so I wasn't bothered with looking too good; slippers and a oversized onesie.

As soon as I saw his car pull up in the driveway, my hands started getting clammy. I was becoming nervous. Once the door opened, I ran into his arms and hugged for at least eight minutes. "Hey, gorgeous. Aw, I missed you too." I never wanted to be out of his arms.

I remembered the way I was going to surprise him, so after a long kiss, I gave him the bag full of the games. "I don't understand." He frowned as he held my hand. "Well, maybe this will help." I smiled as I led him to the couch. I showed him the two controllers and the third which had a label saying 'Player three: Coming soon.' "Wait. Does this mean you're..." He began as I nodded. "Oh my god, babe!" He exclaimed as he hugged me tightly. "You're going to be the most amazing mom!" We hugged for another ten minutes as I felt his tears of happiness on my shoulder.

(Sorry this chapter is short, I've been busy and I have a fever )

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