Metal Steps

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WrestleMania was one week away, and I was set to be part of a huge tag team match! I was excited, I was nervous, I was slowly morphing into a wreckage.

I was at a live event in Los Angeles when it happened. Myself and Nia Jax were involved in a 'No Disqualification' Match, when I was slammed into the Metal steps. Something didn't feel right, my neck felt twisted. But these fans paid decent money to watch wrestling so I wasn't going to give up. But, I was in too much pain to perform my finisher, so after a gruelling twenty-two minutes, Nia won and left the ring. I was in too much pain to get up, I was laying in the middle of the ring.

Officials were checking up on me when TJ came down to the ring. I don't remember much after that, I came around when I was in the medics room. TJ was sitting on the stretcher bed, with my head resting on his knee, as he stroked my scalp. "Hey beautiful." He smiled as I held my neck in pain. "Don't touch it, they say you've injured it." I hated those words. Injured. Just before WrestleMania. The last time I was injured was when TJ and I first started dating four years ago.

He helped me get in the car before driving back to the hotel. Fans were still at the arena, but I didn't want them to see me hurt. "Hey, hey, easy now." TJ reassured as I tried telling myself I wasn't injured. "It hurts so badly." "I know princess, but we're nearly at the hotel, just hang in there sweetpea."

As soon as we got to the hotel, TJ became my nurse, helping me with everything I needed to get done. He helped me undress and put on one of his shirts, before tying my hair up and tucking me into bed. He gave me extra pillows to comfort my neck, before getting into bed with me and looking at me with those gorgeous eyes of his. "You look so beautiful tonight." He smiled as he stroked my cheek before kissing my forehead. "Don't worry about being injured, you'll fire through this. I love you so freakin' much, and I always will."

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