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As I drove away, as further as I could get away from TJ, I realised I still had my ring on. I couldn't help but cry as I looked down at it. I shoved it in the glove compartment as I entered the driveway of my old house. It wasn't much, but it'd do for the night. I just wanted to be away from everybody.

As I headed into the bedroom, I quickly checked my phone as I usually did, and to my surprise, TJ had called me fifty-seven times, as well as posting a series of romantic photos of us on Instagram, and at least over two hundred text messages! I missed him so much, but I couldn't go on, not if he had cheated on me.

I was missing him like crazy, and I wanted to be back with him again, in his arms, but this was it

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I was missing him like crazy, and I wanted to be back with him again, in his arms, but this was it. My heart was broken. I thought he was special, but he was like the rest. Just before I headed off to bed, Noam Dar called me, which I didn't want to answer, but I wanted to hear someone. "Hey, Brookey. Um, is TJ with you?" He asked as I put him on speakerphone. "You know he isn't, so cut the crap." "Ok, look fine, he told me. He understands how much he's hurt you, he really does. But he loves you, more than anything in the world. I've seen it. He really does want to marry you, everything he's said to you has been from the heart. He phoned me, near enough in tears, he said you found out about what happened, he wants to set the record straight. I was there when it happened, it was us lads, Teej, Brian, Cedric, Swanny and Jack. He wasn't as he usually was, and you know full well he hates clubs. Some of us have reason to believe his drink was spiked. Face the facts, Brian kept offering him a drink which was weird since they weren't exactly chummy, and suddenly when he made one mistake, it's viral on Brian's phone. Doesn't that sound pretty planned to you?" "Listen, I appreciate you trying to make me feel bad and run into his arms, yes I love him, but he's broken my heart. I need time, please just leave me alone." I ended the call, and burst into tears within moments.

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