Public Eye

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(This chapter is happening due to TJ noticing me on Twitch this morning xx)

SummerSlam was only four days away, and TJ and I were at our house for a few days. We had still been in the house with his parents as we had no off-time to look for a new place. We were in a hotel for the night as it was coming up to 10pm and we were both exhausted. TJ and I had date night earlier and had only came back around ten minutes ago. 

I was in the shower when I heard TJ start streaming Overwatch on Twitch. He was so sweet when he was getting engaged in the game. As we were both champions, it was difficult to do things we enjoyed as we had little to no time spare. "Ah, where's Brooklyn?" I overheard as TJ was reading comments from his stream. "She is in the shower and then I think she's going to bed, bless her." Every time I heard him speak about me, my heart flustered. I still couldn't believe I was married to such a hunk! "Ah sweet Jesus!" Teej exclaimed as I creeped up on him and wrapped my arms around him, before kissing his cheek. Fans were loving seeing the two of us be so affectionate towards one another, his comments were flooding in. I was wearing a fluffy white robe with my hair wrapped in a towel. Even though I had no makeup on and I didn't look picture-friendly, TJ pulled me onto his lap and cuddled me as he played his game. Comments such as 'AWWWWWW BROOJP', 'Perfect couples don't exi- oh wait BrooJP exist' were swooning in, which I was enjoying reading while annoying TJ.

I loved annoying him in public, I was that type of wife. I was squeezing his cheeks and kissing all over his face whilst he narrowly avoided being distracted. "Oh god, what are our pet names for each other?" He chuckled as he read fans questions. "Um, well she definitely enjoys calling me Papi when we're alone." I rolled my eyes before punching his arm, causing him to laugh.

Three hours passed and I was still cuddling into him, well sitting on his lap with my head on his shoulder. He was still working through questions, primarily about me and SummerSlam. "How's Brookey?" He over-read as I didn't move. "She's still here, she's actually fell asleep here on me." He nudged me gently before carrying me into the bedroom. He tucked me into bed before going back to his stream. "Sorry about that." He smiled as he grabbed a hold of the controller. "I took my Princess to bed. She's been working so hard and she needs to rest." Yet again, comments were sweeping through. "Are we ready for SummerSlam? Definitely. We are at the top of our games, we are both champions, and she is an incredible wrestler. Not only am I ready, but I am excited"

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