Nature's Calling

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TJ and I had been driving for what felt like days, yet it had only been six hours. We had finished a live event from Massachusetts and were  on our way to Michigan. Despite my insists, he declared he was driving in the arena parking lot for everyone to hear.

Getting bumps and bruises in the ring were nothing short of usual, but especially when it came to the end of the month, that's when the real pain hit. And unfortunately for me, it was the end of the month. But, I was blessed to have such a caring and considerate fiancée, who brought Bluey with us on the journey.

Bluey was our special blanket, that held key significance in our relationship

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Bluey was our special blanket, that held key significance in our relationship. The first time we had sex, we spent the night cuddling under Bluey, and it was always there during the difficult times. I hated being away from it when I was sick, and my amazing lovebug knew that, and wrapped Bluey around me as we drove across the country.

As I clutched onto my stomach in pain, TJ also held my stomach, and gently rubbed it. "Does it hurt that bad?" He asked as he kissed me forehead as I winced due to the pain. "It's like being in labour, and giving birth to a baby the size of 'Show, Mark Henry, and Braun Strowman all put together." "Damn, babe, I'm not usually worried, but what do you do when I'm not around?" He joked as I punched his arm.

It was rapidly approaching 2am, and we were driving by a beautiful pier. He saw how much pain I was in, and therefore decided to park by the pier, before carrying me out of the car, and holding me gently. I couldn't help but smile as he wrapped Bluey around my shoulders before pulling me in for a tight hug.

"I thought you might feel better if we got out for a moment." He grinned as he kissed my forehead, whilst I stroked his stubble. "I know, I know, I need to shave." "No, keep it. You're like a cute messy puppy." When he had stubble, it was so hot, near enough an immediate turn on. The temperature must've been below freezing, -8°C, especially since being so close to the ocean, but being in his arms made me feel warm; and safe.

Even though twenty minutes sounds like a long time to be engaged in a hug, but it only felt like seconds. Seeing him so relaxed was so comforting, and as he admitted he was too lazy to carry on driving, and he didn't want me to since I was in too much pain, so he arranged the back seats and cuddled me in the car until we fell asleep.

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