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Labour was difficult, it was bound to be, but I was so glad I was finally recovering. Finding out that TJ actually gave the blood to help me recover made me speechless. TJ liked to think that he was my Superman, but I knew his kryptonite was needles so I was extremely proud and extremely grateful for him.

Thankfully, I was near enough recovered and was finally able to walk. I was staying at home, with Codi, and now Keenan and Eden. It was weird not having TJ at home, but he needed the rest and he needed to be near medical professionals, in case there was an issue. Being at home with three kids all under the age of two was exhausting, so it meant I hadn't been able to visit my love back in hospital.

But, I have such an amazing social circle and some of the Cruiserweight's were willing to look after the kids while I finally went to the hospital. I was excited to see him, but I was anxious about leaving the children.

"Wow, he-e-ey!" I heard as I walked into TJ's hospital room. "Hey, baby. Surprise!" Being able to greet him with those kisses we adore made everything feel so much better. I sat on the bed, with his hand in mine, both in my lap. "What are you doing here?" He asked as he smiled at our interlocked hands. "Oh am I not allowed to see my husband while he's in hospital. Ohh, sorry for being in love with you!" "You know what I mean, Brooke. I love it that you've came to see me, but shouldn't you be resting at home? You gave birth nine days ago!" I kissed his hand as I sighed. "Noam told me that you gave blood to help me recover. And I know you and needles don't exactly bode well so I thought I'd see how you're feeling." "Ah, well you've gave me three beautiful children, including a son I've always wanted. You deal with a lot, and I wanted to make it up to you. I mean I'm nearly approaching thirty, I have three beautiful children, a smoking hot wife, a successful career, you have no idea how grateful I am, and if giving blood shows it, then that's what I'll do...Miss Dracula."

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