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Waking up in TJ's arms was such an incredible feeling. After what happened after the party, the bedroom was a complete mess, pillows, clothes and makeup from my dressing table were scattered around the floor. Well let's just say, when we got passionate, we got extremely passionate!

I woke up with feeling TJ's lips on my forehead. I usually fell asleep either spooning with him or laying on him, with my head either on his shoulder or on his chest. It felt surreal to wake up next to him, I was the luckiest girl in the world!

Last night, I fell asleep with my head on his chest, as he softly snored. He was like my huge teddy bear, every time we were together, we had to hold each other! "Good morning beautiful." He muttered as he held my hand. This was the last day we were able to spend in our new home before our travelling duties occupied our lives. Despite being on the same brand, it was still difficult, as he had to stay for 205 Live, and I had live events. This is where I felt most sympathetic for couples who were separated during the draft, as it'd kill me if I was away from TJ for more than two days. "Are you ready for travelling? I think we have to leave early." I hated having to leave early, I just wanted to stay in his arms all day. "Gorgeous, I know you're awake." He smiled as I tried falling back asleep. "But babe." I groaned as he sat up. "Can't we just stay here all day? You're too comfy, like a big, fluffy pillow." I must've made him smile, as he chuckled before kissing my head. "God, you're beautiful, too bad I have to workout."

After watching him workout before packing everything for travelling, we finally got everything in the car, and headed off four a four hour drive. He insisted on driving, as he knew I'd probably fall asleep during the journey. He kept a hold of my knee as he stroked it while he drove.

Yet as we made it to the arena, all eyes were on us, as we met fans. So many girls screamed with delight whenever they saw TJ, but who could blame them? As we headed into the arena, who else would call me in to the meeting room but Stephanie McMahon and some of the guys from the creative team! "Well, we've been waiting for a while, but it's official, tonight on Raw, you are going to win the WWE Women's Championship. And next week, you're going to be turning heel. Good luck."

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