The AfterMath

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Thankfully the ceremony ended shortly after that and I could be free of the interfering assholes that couldn't let me be free of that relationship. Luckily, there was an after-party so I could forget troubles with my best friend; tequila!

Fortunately, the after party was at a venue much closer to the hotel so many of us could quickly change into something more comfortable. When it came to heels and fashion, I wasn't like most girls, I preferred sneakers over stiletto's and a video game weekend compared to nightclubs, so you can imagine how relieved I was when I changed into a black playsuit with sneakers!

I was sitting alone by the bar, enjoying a bottle of beer when TJ came back. I hadn't seen him for around half an hour so I figured he changed out of his suit. Yet, when he came back, his lip was bleeding. As I looked around the rest of the venue, I noticed Brian wasn't anywhere to be seen. Oh no, please don't let this happen! "Hey, Teej." I smiled as TJ came and sat on the stool by me. "I haven't seen Brian around, have you?" He attempted to look around but we both know what happened. "Uh, yeah, about that." He chuckled as he held on to his bleeding lip. "We kinda got into an altercation, and well, he's not here." I knew it. I didn't want to be right, but I was. "Wait, what? Why? TJ, you have no issue with him." "Yeah, other than he's an interfering creep who disrespected you. Listen, I know I'm not one to speak about your personal life, but from what I heard, you leaving Corbin was the best thing you could've ever done. It may have looked good on paper, but after what Brian said during the ceremony, the only way is up, kiddo." I smiled down at the table as he stroked my shoulder before walking away to converse with Rich Swann. Was he right? Why did he defend me? What does this mean?

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