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Survivor Series was here. I was finally getting back in the ring. Social media had no speculation that I was returning, which was incredible! Not being able to do what you love tore my heart out, all I wanted to do was be in the ring, win or loss, match or promo, I missed it.

Carmella and I were reminiscing whilst watching TJ's match on a small screen. He looked extra yummy tonight, but after he lost the title, I felt his pain and I wanted to give him the biggest hug. After a few minutes, everyone started applauding and I knew it was for TJ so I immediately gave him a tight hug while saying I loved him. Throughout highs or lows, we were there for each other, that's what our marriage was based on. Being in this business came with so many challenges, but it was so rewarding. Everything fitted together like a puzzle.

The girls were doing their entrances. But this match was gonna be electric! Some of the Cruiserweights were split onto Raw and SmackDown, so it was girls from Raw and Raw's Cruiserweights against SmackDown Live's girls and their Cruiserweights! Charlotte, Eve Torres, Sasha Banks, Nia and I, alongside TJ, Jack Gallagher, Noam Dar, Rich Swann and Austin Aries against Becky, Mickie, Alexa, Maryse and Nikki with Tony Neese, Gran Metalik, Cedric Alexander, Neville and Drew Gulak!

 But this match was gonna be electric! Some of the Cruiserweights were split onto Raw and SmackDown, so it was girls from Raw and Raw's Cruiserweights against SmackDown Live's girls and their Cruiserweights! Charlotte, Eve Torres, Sasha Banks, Nia...

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Then it was 'return time'.  My gear looked great, my body felt healed, and the crowd were awesome! 'Devestate' by The Heroes Lie started playing, before 'Sultry' boomed through the arena, causing a huge eruption of cheering. "Now that's what I'm talking about!" I smiled as the crowd were loving seeing me. "Holy sh*t! This place just erupted!" Corey exclaimed! "I can't believe this! Brooklyn Levya is here! She's been out of action due to a neck injury, and now she's here!" The crowd couldn't contain their excitement, continually chanting 'Brooklyn'. Once the Cruiserweights did their entrances, TJ couldn't stop hugging me, I loved being in matches alongside him, we had so much fun.

But, the Undertaker's music hit, which confused everybody. "Ladies and Gentleman, I have just received word that this main event now includes five more male superstars from their respective rosters. Introducing first, for Team Raw, the Undertaker, Sheamus, Christian, Sami Zayn and the HeartBreak Kid Shawn Michaels!" Shawn and the Undertaker were the ones who got me into wrestling so I was living a huge dream right now. "And representing Team SmackDown Live, Dean Ambrose, Baron Corbin, AJ Styles, Ryback and Shane McMahon!" Great. Terrific. Shane, and Baron in a match, which I was involved in, as well as my husband. Perfect. A long, looooong time ago, Christian and I had a brief fling but that was history. Rather than using a baseball bat, I exchanged it for a long stemmed black rose, which didn't really help when Shane offered me a rose in front of the crowd.

The match began. The Cruiserweights were starting off, Drew and Austin began, with all of us cheering for our team representative. "Drew Gulak has been eliminated!" There was a problem with the sound and our music kept hitting, but it was actually so fun, TJ and I being complete idiots to Gallagher's music. But I guess that's what made us such an incredible couple, the fact that we were able to be complete prats with each other.

TJ had lost his title to Tony Neese so when they met in the ring, all hell broke loose! TJ was the last remaining Cruiserweight which meant Team Raw had won 1/3 of the match. Then it came the boys.  Shawn verus AJ. My dream match. This was inane, the crowd were loving the vibe. But once Alexa was tagged in, so was I, and I was worried about being in the ring again. But there was nothing to worry about because I picked up the victory by using my new submission The Black Widow (AJ Lee's, couldn't think of a new name x)

The match ended with Team Raw being the victors. TJ, myself and Shawn had picked up the win, which was a dream come true. All of Team Raw pulled in for a major group hug while 'Midnight City; by M83 blasted through the arena. This was incredible. This was wrestling.

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