Double Date

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Ever since TJ and I reconciled and actually spoke, we were stronger than ever! It felt amazing, all we needed was communication

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Ever since TJ and I reconciled and actually spoke, we were stronger than ever! It felt amazing, all we needed was communication. It's true what they say, communication is key when it comes to relationships!

After non-stop pestering, I finally agreed on having a double date with Nikki Bella and her new fiancée John Cena. Nicole and I had been friends since I was injured, and as we were injured at the same time, that's how we bonded! Even though we were signed to separate brands, we still kept in touch from time to time and I was glad we were stronger since we returned to the ring. Her and Cena had been together for around five years, and when it came to the actual proposal, he surprisingly asked TJ for advice!

I only agreed to this double date to congratulate the two of them, honestly double dates wasn't really our thing. We liked and appreciated our alone time, and to face the facts, we were a pretty weird couple!

Once we arrived at the venue Cena had chosen, we realised just exactly what we'd let ourselves get into. The restaurant was very posh, and definitely resembled something that Nikki and Cena would thrive on. As we all sat together, I could feel TJ's nerves as he held my leg. We were sat together with Nicole and Cena opposite us, making out at any given opportunity. It was definitely very awkward for Teej and I, but eventually, they needed to breathe.

It had been two hours since we arrived, and it was somewhat of an enjoyable evening. We had a lovely meal and we were able to watch the snow fall and settle. Nikki looked sensational in what appeared to be a Balmain dress, where as I preferred my halter playsuit. I wasn't a huge fan of showing off what money could buy. "So, TJ, when do you think you'll propose to Brooklyn?" Nikki blurted as I nearly blurted I nearly choked on some water. "Oh, uh well, it took you guys five years, we've only been together for a year." "Yes, but John and I had issues that needed to be sorted beforehand." "Well, I'm sure we'll think of an issue." Nikki sorted of grunted at me as Teej tried avoiding eye contact. I knew he hated being asked personal things under pressure so I wasn't affected by what he said.

But finally, we all said goodbye, and it was just TJ and I. Due to the cold, he had wrapped his jacket around me, and gave me his hat, as he wrapped his arms around me. "Hey, I forgot to say, you look absolutely beautiful." He was such a charmer. "But, despite being very blunt to the point, Nicole was right, we have been together for long enough to take this to the next level. Yes, she took me by surprise, but it needed to happen, I've been sitting on something that I've been wanting to ask you for a long, long time." I saw his eyes twinkle, as he pulled something out of his pocket. "Brooklyn Levya, I never want to wake up and not have you by my side. Not having you near me is the worst alternative I could ever have, I never want that. I love you too much to let you go. You give me reason to wake up in the morning, you are the light to my darkness, the sun to my moon, the Princess Peach to my Super Mario." There he was again, tugging on my heart strings. As he got down on one knee, I saw his smile light up. "Brooklyn Levya, will you do me the honour and m..."

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