The Champ Is Here

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This was it

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This was it. I was going to be the champion. Charlotte and I were going to main event Raw with a 'No Disqualification' match. I was more than nervous, I wanted to see TJ. As soon as my makeup was finished, I near enough climbed on him as a way of saying 'Hi.' "You two travel together, and you've only been here for two hours, how could you possibly miss each other that much?" Noam Dar asked as TJ held me gently.

Once Dar left, I was finally able to have some quality time with my man. As I sat on an equipment bench, he held my hand. "What's up Kitty, why are you shaking?" "Well." I began. Not only was I nervous, but I was also excited to tell him. I knew he'd be proud of me. "I had a brief meeting with Stephanie, and I'm winning the Championship tonight!" I could tell how proud he was of me, especially when he pulled me in for a tight hug. "Aw, babe, I'm so proud of you, that's my girl!" After staying in his arms for at least six minutes, which definitely included leaving dark lipstick stains over his lips, I was told I had to prepare for my match. This was it. Go time.

As soon as my music hit, I felt my nerves increase. Even though I knew what was going to happen, I was still nervous, I wanted to make everyone proud of me. My entrance had changed slightly, for this occasion, black rose petals were dropped as I walked into the ring. "Here we are, the Main event of Monday Night Raw, and it is Brooklyn Levya versus Charlotte Flair for the Women's Championship." Michael said as the crowd gazed in awe at my entrance. "Say what you want about Brooklyn Levya and being a self confessed 'Mad Hatter', but you can't deny, she is a goddess." Corey stated as I waited in the ring for Charlotte. As Charlotte came out, I noticed Dana wasn't with her, which did concern me.

The bell rang. Go time. We immediately locked up, before I put her in a headlock, which she countered into a ddt. Seventeen minutes into the match, and I finally used my bat in the match. "Ooh, and a nice hit from Brooklyn! I have to tell you, these girls really are pulling out all of the stops, and is proving why the Women's Revolution happened." Just then, I felt a huge slap, and as I turned around, who else was there but Alicia and Brian! Of course, I didn't expect anything less. While Charlotte was down, I immediately got out of the ring, and gave a huge right hand to Alicia, as TJ ran down the ring and started beating the hell out of Brian Kendrick! I saw my opportunity and immediately got to the top rope, and performed the Touch of Crimson.




As soon as my music hit, it finally sunk in that I won. It didn't feel right, it felt like a dream. TJ got straight into the ring and hugged me as the crowd chanted 'Broojp' before raising my hand in victory.

As we walked back down the ramp, I was greeted by the superstars whom were all eager to congratulate me. Obviously, I was happy to be surrounded by such amazing people, but all I wanted was to be with TJ. But he never left my side, yet finally we were alone and all he could do was hug me, and tell me how proud he was of me. "You've worked so hard to get to the top, and you've done it. I have never been more proud of you, I have loved you since I first set eyes on you. Don't let anybody tell you, that you don't deserve the championship. I am so proud of you, and tonight, I'm gonna give you a very personal celebration tonight." He winked as he kissed my neck.

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