Pregnancy Part Deux.

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Here we go again. I was pregnant with TJ and I's second child and we were having problems. Problems meaning he wasn't even living at home, from what I was able to interpret, he was going from hotels to motels.

I don't even know where we went wrong, I told him I was pregnant, we were okay for a few days and now this. Work had found out about my pregnancy and weren't too pleased that I had kept it from them, so I was off the road. I was able to be backstage, but there wasn't much point, I hadn't had any form of communication with my husband for over a fortnight, so why bother going to see him?

My wedding ring was off, mainly because of this situation but also because my fingers were starting to be bloated. But I kept my engagement ring on. Codi adored trying to play with my engagement ring, even though she was only going, I couldn't even fathom the thought of how she'd be feeling with her parents not even speaking to one another. She loved both of us, but I knew that she was missing seeing TJ every day.  We both did.

It felt like a regular day, and in essence it was. I had a pregnancy scan, with Codi joining me, Pharoh tried to chase squirrels and birds, and they were asleep by five in the evening. When I was stoped by fans, I had to put on a brave face when they spoke about TJ, even though I had no idea where he was or who he was with.

With Codi and Pharoh asleep, I was on the couch, trying to fall asleep but my brain having other ideas. My hands were clutching around my stomach as I inhaled deep breaths. "Hey there little one." I whispered as all I could do was look down at my stomach. "How is it in there? Oh sorry about the excessive pizzas, mommy's having a hard time right now. Wow, I guess it'll be your turn to face the world soon, well you're very lucky, you've got an older sister called Codi-RoseAnne who is just perfect. She'll love you, and treat you exactly the same, whether you're her brother or sister. Then there's Pharoh, who'll watch over you, and give you his slobbery ball whenever you're feeling down. And you have daddy. Daddy, well I haven't seen daddy for a few weeks, but he isn't usually like this. Don't worry, everything will be resolved by the time you're ready to come out. Just keep warm, and remember you're part of a family that is full of love. Okay, I love you, little one."

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