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Finally, I was back on tv. I mean sure, I wasn't in the ring doing what I love, but being a commentator was a good temporary job.
It finally came to TJ's match. I was so excited to see him wrestle, honestly, seeing him sweaty and shirtless kinda turned me on. His match was against Brian Kendrick so I knew that TJ was going to be dealing with memories from their training. As he came out and did he entrance, I couldn't stop smiling at him; I was gushing like a 10 year old girl.
"So Brooklyn, you're our commentator." Austin Aries began as TJ blew a kiss at me. "Tell me, you're dating TJ Perkins, what is it like?" "It can be difficult, but I love Teej and he's honestly so amazing." All I wanted to do was go to TJ and give him the biggest kiss.
As the match began, I couldn't take my eyes off TJ's derrière! "Brooklyn, this is what is confusing me." Austin spoke. I knew the two of them have had problems in the past so I was less than enthusiastic for this. "You're clearly very beautiful, you're talented, you've got men swooning over you, why have you decided to be with TJ?" I knew he was going to ask something along those lines. "You know what Aries, I love TJ, he's my world, he's my everything. He's absolutely gorgeous, he's unique, I love him, if people don't accept that then that's their problem but we love each other and we're happy."

12 minutes into the match and TJ was getting ready to perform a Hurricanrana. TJ had used this move so many times that I wasn't worried about him. But the move went wrong, and he landed his neck on the edge of the ring. I was worried, he looked hurt so I stood up in order to try and get a better view of what was happening. Medical officials were coming out and putting TJ on a stretcher so I tore off my headphones and ran to be by his side. I held his hand as we went backstage into the medical office.

We were in the medical office for at least an hour before they decided to take him back to the hotel room. I refused to leave his side and as we got to the hotel, I held him gently as he softly fell asleep.

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