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Today was the day. WrestleMania was finally upon us. Everything that I had worked for was all for today. For this match.

It wasn't that long ago since I left TJ in the hotel room, yet I already missed him. My lips were already craving his lips. But I proceeded with the day; beginning with getting glammed up! The make-up team were some of my closest friends, they reminded me of Agony Aunt columns from the newspapers.

As I was busy being pampered, I saw TJ sit on a table whilst talking to Noam Dar. After this morning, I didn't know what my next step was when it came to him. "Perkins, eh?" The makeup artist asked as she saw me look lovingly at TJ. "Well, uh, yeah, uh, no, I don't know." I stuttered as I tried hiding my embarrassment. "Aw it's okay sweet pea, you had a difficult childhood, your relationship with Baron was horrendous. You're young, sweet and beautiful, and plus not to mention you and Perkins would be cute together." Talking to the make-up artist always made me feel secure in my decisions.

Shortly after, I felt two muscular arms wrap around my waist. It was TJ! I was so excited to see him. "You look so beautiful without makeup, why do feel the need to wear it?" He whispered in my ear as he kissed me shoulder, his arms not leaving my stomach. "Hold on a moment Mr Mario, Princess Peach will be ready in a minute!" The make-up artist smiled as she saw my anticipation to be with TJ.

Finally, I was glammed up, and I could spend some time with TJ. I couldn't stop smiling as he pulled myself closer to him. "So, there's something I need to talk to you about." He started as he stroked my cheek. I was silently hoping he wouldn't reject what happened this morning. "Brooklyn, I like you, no scrap that, I really like you." He was so cute when he was nervous. "Brooklyn Levya, you don't realise how special you are, especially to me. I want to show you how special you are, so Brooklyn Levya, will you go on a date with me?" My heart was beating one hundred miles a minute. "Of course I will." I smiled as I hugged him. "Brooklyn, you have three minutes until your match." An official told me as he walked towards the curtain. It was go time.

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