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Ever since I returned on Monday Night Raw, social media had been buzzing. Michael Cole was able to bag an exclusive interview with me.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time: Brooklyn Levya!" I nodded at Michael as a greeting before I got ready for the interview. "Now, lets get down to business. On Monday, you made your return, how do you feel?" "Honestly Michael, I feel terrific. I was struggling to even walk after my injury. I went through months of physical therapy. Every day that I was off the road, I couldn't stop thinking about finally being back in the ring, and letting Alicia know how she affected me." "Your social media accounts are full of photos of your relationship with TJ Perkins, and fans want to know, what is it like?" "Being in a relationship with TJ is perfect, he helps me with so much. Yes there are haters, there always will be, but what matters is how you feel inside. I've known I've always loved him and he makes me happy. If people like Brian and Alicia want to interfere, then let them, they don't understand how close Teej and I are." "Final question Brooklyn, what are your thoughts and goals now that you've returned?" "First, I'm going to demolish Alicia Fox, I want her to know what I went through. Then I'm setting my sights on the Raw Women's Championship. Let the superstars know, I am stronger than before. I am ready to demolish everything that stands in my way. Charlotte, watch out."

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