Hospital Bed

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My body was numb. I couldn't move my body, I felt like a mannequin. I didn't remember anything after the crash, was I supposed to remember anything?

My head was pounding. The sunlight was beaming through the window. I tried as hard as I could to open my eyes and move my body but it felt like I was being weighed down. Voices were scattering around my head, but one voice sounded so angelic; TJ's.

I didn't realise how much I missed hearing his sweet, soothing tones. My eyes finally opened properly and the first thing I saw was TJ smiling down at me. "Baby! Thank god!" Tears were in his eyes as he pulled me in for an incredible hug. I had missed everything about him. He was still sounding slightly incoherent so all I could do was look at him with his arms wrapped around me.

He helped me sit up, with a huge grin on his face as he couldn't take his eyes of me. Nor could I with him. He looked more gorgeous than he had ever done. His piercing brown eyes shining down at me. We talked for hours, slowly reconnecting from our last save point. Or at least from the last time we weren't arguing. A beautiful, colourful bouquet of flowers was by my bedside, which were a gift from Shane McMahon.

 Hours had passed and TJ never left my side. This was what I had wanted for what felt like forever. Him and I on the same page, and even though it took a horrific ordeal to get to this point, I couldn't be happier to have my husband back.

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