Run Up

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Survivor Series was rapidly approaching, and my neck was almost fully recovered. Everything was going smoothly! My husband was...well to be honest, I still get butterflies every time I say 'my husband', I mean I was married to TJ PERKINS!

We had been married for just under two years, and our relationship being nearly five years old, but it certainly didn't feel that long. I hadn't even thought of what I was getting him for his anniversary gift, usually he just wanted sex and oral sex since it was a special occasion, but I wanted to give him something more. Something from the heart. Not just something I did whenever I was longing for him.

Maybe a date night would be a good way to celebrate, but then again, our date nights tended to be very similar, a restaurant dinner or a takeout, cuddles, and waking up immensely close to one another. Obviously I had some ideas for our anniversary but I wanted it to be even more special than our previous anniversaries, but then again, maybe I could be mean to him and not surprise him in the way that I know he'll love.

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