New Girl

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This was it. I was officially part of the SmackDown Live roster rather than the Raw roster. As soon as Raw went off the air last night, TJ and I were on the phone until this morning. Since we've had to travel separately, we spent our nights with our phones by our sides, which was our most recent way of falling asleep with one another.

I was being greeted backstage in catering by some of the superstars, but to be honest, my mind was elsewhere

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I was being greeted backstage in catering by some of the superstars, but to be honest, my mind was elsewhere. We were in the middle of a sweeping heatwave, so my outfit was slightly revealing, but I always show TJ what I'm wearing to make sure he's comfortable with it. Even though compliments were flooding in on my outfit, I was hoping to avoid seeing my ex, Baron Corbin. To be honest, I hadn't seen him since we broke up, which was at least a few years ago.

Truth be told, a long time ago, before I met TJ, Shane McMahon and I engaged in a drunken mistake. But, he was dealing with his divorce and I was dealing with my split from Baron. It was nothing more than a mistake, which I wish I could take back. It was agreed we'd never speak of it again, especially since he was my boss now. "Ah, just the one I was looking for." Daniel Bryan smiled as he led me into Shane's office. The boys had some form of man-handshake so I watched uncomfortably before being seated on a couch. "Now, Brooklyn, Brooklyn, Brooklyn, Brooklyn. How are you today?" Shane smiled as even I could sense the awkwardness between us. "I'm fine thank you?" "Ah that's good, we didn't expect this transfer to happen, did you file a complaint or something?" "No, no. I was perfectly happy travelling and actually seeing my husband in the flesh rather than through facetime." "That's the problem Brooklyn. With you and TJ being on separate brands, how are you going to..." "How are you going to be pleasured, how will you be dominated?" Baron rudely interrupted as he was leaning on the door. This was actually beginning to make me feel very uncomfortable. "Face it Princess, you were always too good for that pipsqueak." I scoffed as he grabbed my chin and moved my head from side to side. Almost as if he was examining me. Daniel could tell how uncomfortable I was feeling so he and Baron left, well Baron was more pushed out of the way, leaving just Shane and I. "Don't worry about Baron, he is quite intimidating and I know this is bad for you, but you have proven yourself to be an amazing athlete, and you'll do brilliantly. But what we want you to do tonight, is re-introduce yourself to the girls, and intimidate them. See you later Brooklyn."

Us girls had a short segment tonight, but I still thought I'd wear my gear. Well to be frank, I don't see any form of intimidation through double denim. The girls were all in the ring bickering about who deserves to be the new champion, when suddenly my music hit, and I laughed as I made my way to the ring. "Ladies, ladies, please, shut up! I am SmackDown Live's latest addition, but do not underestimate me, I was Raw Women's Champion, what have you done?" I loved being a heel, being able to be sexy and sassy was everything! "Brooklyn, is it?" Alexa questioned as she eyed me up and down. "Now, there's only room for one girl on top, and I guess you heard the memo, bad girls get the job done. But what about two girls, how about..." As she extended her arm as an effort to form a partnership, I shoved her hand out of the way, and rolled my eyes. "How about you shut your mouth before I do it for you?" The crowd were loving this! "Face it, I don't associate myself with Tinkerbell Rebel rejects." Tamina tried to intervene as she was Alexa's latest protegee, but I guess she didn't hear the memo, so I punched her straight in the jaw.

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