Second Chances

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This was it

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This was it. I was supposed to meet Teej today. My palms were clammy and my heart was racing. What if he was going to break up with me? I left Becky's apartment after that night and was staying with Sasha. I couldn't go back to being at the house, not with the memories and the dozens of photos of us.

As soon as I made it to Raw, I felt TJ's presence there. I was excited to see him. It had been nearly a week since we last spoke, well argued. As I headed backstage, Rich came up to me. "Just the one I'm looking for." He smiled as he greeted me. "A little birdy told me that an admirer is waiting for you up by the top deck. row V." "Thanks." I muttered. Great, now I have to walk too many flights of staircases in heels.

I walked through the back to get to this 'admirer' and as I finally got there, I saw the back of TJ! I was so excited,  I was trying to avoid the temptation of running into his arms. As he turned around and saw me, I tried so hard to not cry. "There she is." He smiled as he reached for my hand. "God, you look beautiful." By this point, I had tears in my eyes as I held his hand for the first time since what felt like forever. "I thought you wasn't going to come. Look, what happened was entirely my fault, I was annoyed at myself for fucking up in the ring, and I took it out on you. Not only do I love you, but I am completely in love with you. I want you with me, I've missed being able to see you every day." Tears were streaming down my cheek. "Hey, don't cry." He assured as he wiped my tears away. "If you look down by the ramp, you'll see something I made for you." As I looked down, he wrapped his arm around me as I hasped at the large heart full of rose petals and candles spelling out 'I'm sorry, I love you.'

We walked down to get a better view of the artwork, and I saw he had placed photo frames with photos of some of our greatest memories. "They broke after you left. I got mad and threw them. I'm sorry, truly. I never want to see you leave again, so Brooklyn Levya." I got scared as he held my hand while getting down on one knee. "You are far too good for someone like me. I love you, and if I could, I'd marry you on this spot, but for the moment...will you forgive me and be my Kitty Cat?" I was crying. Fully crying. "Baby, I want nothing more than to be with you!" He spun me around in the air like a princess before our lips met once again. His kisses had never felt better, his lips on mine. This moment was all I had wanted for the past week.

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