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Since finding out we were expecting a baby, things with TJ and I were incredible. He was incredibly supportive and was happy to oblige in doing anything that I asked him to.

Fortunately, I had been medically advised to be on bed rest, so TJ decided to take a few days off to look after me. But he still went for his work outs, so I woke up alone. Well, I had Pharoh. But as soon as I heard the door open, I ran into TJ's arms, and greeted him with at least twenty kisses! "Hey, hey, I love you too." He chuckled as he carried me onto the couch.

I didn't let his lips be away from mine the moment he sat down, and as it got more passionate, I found myself sitting on his lap, eager to tear off his shirt. "Baby, baby." He groaned as I began leaving love bites all over his neck. I ushered him to 'sh', usually I wasn't like this, but he looked incredible. Things started to become more passionate, especially when he was playing with my breasts, desperately trying to not groan as I gently rode him. "Baby, you sure this wont hurt the baby?" "I promise. Now come on baby, prove to me why you're the best."

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