Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 Of my Raura Texting Story!


In which, One mistaken text changes everything for these two individuals.

Ross Lynch lead singer in the band r5, and actor.

Laura Marano model, song artist, and actor.

What happens when one text brings these two together in a way either of them ever knew?


Ross's POV:

Ross: Hey Rocky, can you bring home some ice cream on the way home?

Unknown Number: Um, I am not Rocky last time I checked.

Ross: Oh, shoot I am so sorry. I just got a new phone and I don't really remember peoples numbers.

Unknown Number: Lol. That's me right there. I don't remember anyone's numbers.

Ross: Good I am glad I am not the only one.

Unknown Number: Right, well I got to go, hope you get that ice cream.

Ross: Haha, Thanks.


The Next Day:

Ross: Hey

Unknown Number: Hey?

Ross: What's up

Unknown Number: I think you got the wrong number again XD

Ross: Nope, your Santa Clause, so I was thinking I want like a ATV for Christmas this year, so could we make that happen?

Unknown Number: And you have gone insane.

Ross: Have not, and don't you dare Santa is not real or I am going to come to your house and make sure you get on the naughty list.

Unknown Number: Santa is not real...


Unknown Number: *Rolls eyes*

Ross: Hey don't you roll your eyes at me.

Unknown Number: Well when you deserved to be rolled eyes at I kind of have to.

Ross: That makes no since

Unknown Number: Like makes no since

Ross: That is the truest thing I have heard all day, and I have heard a lot today

Unknown Number: Alright Mr. Popular whatever you say

Ross: So are we doing nicknames now

Unknown Number: Nope 'We' are not 'I' am

Ross: Oh hush

Unknown Number: I am texting you....

Ross: Right I know that but like you know what SHUT UP

Unknown Number: Dang that went 0-100 real quick

Ross: It's 0-60 dumbo

Unknown Number: (Insert unamused face)

Ross: Oh am I boring you now

Unknown Number: I mean kind of, I could be doing other things instead I am texting some random dude online

Ross: How do you know I am a guy huh?

Unknown Number: I was not saying you were a guy I just said dude

Ross: So you think I am a girl then

Unknown Number: Your confusing as shit

Ross: What's so confusing about shit, like seriously you eat food through one hole and then it goes through your body and comes out a different hole.

Unknown Number: Wow.... I am speechless.

Ross: Yay! I made you speechless, I am good.

Unknown Number: You are something thats for sure

Ross: So I am guessing you are a girl am I right?

Unknown Number: I don't know are you?

Ross: I mean I think so but at the same time I am not really sure

Unknown Number: Hmm, well I guess you will never find out will you

Ross: What no! I must know

Unknown Number: Alright Must is a strong word. I think you want to but you don't need to.

Ross: God what are you some English expert

Unknown Number: No, I wish. I suck at English. But I do know the difference between like must, and want.

Ross: You sound like my mom like oh you want to go to the Stanley Cup Championships you don't have to.

Unknown Number: What the hell is the Stanley Cup Championship?

Ross: I am never talking to you again! How do you not know!

Unknown Number: I am guessing it's some sports thing right?

Ross: It's not just some sports thing! IT IS THE FRICKING HOCKEY CHAMPIONSHIPS!

Unknown Number: Jeez, I am so sorry I am not edumacated in the hockey field

Ross: Haha edumacated, that's a funny word

Unknown Number: You totally just said it out loud didn't you?


Ross: Uh I mean nooooooooo

Unknown Number: *Rolls eyes again*

Ross: You roll your eyes a lot don't you

Unknown Number: Only at idiots


Unknown Number: Hmm sure your not

5 Minutes Later:

Ross: Sorry I would of defended myself sooner but I may of dropped my phone in the nachos and cheese I was eating and the cheese got all over my phone... and why am I telling you this.

Unknown Number: *Rolls eyes* My point of you being an idiot was literally just proved, YOU DROPPED YOUR PHONE IN CHEESE! HOW DOES ONE EVEN DO THAT?

Ross: Jeez, I was hungry and decided to multi task... Remind me to not multi task anymore.

Unknown Number: Hmm sure whatever. Well I got to go

Ross: Awe why?

Unknown Number: Cause I have a life?

Ross: No you don't

Unknown Number: Bye Idiot

Ross: Byeeeee


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