Chapter 27

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Ross's POV:

"Go ahead laugh and make fun of me" I hear Laura say as I look at her confused "What are you talking about" I ask confused as she looks at me "Make fun of me for not having my first kiss yet" I hear her whisper as I smile at her.

"Laura I honestly think it's adorable that you have not had your first kiss yet" I say honestly as she looks at me shocked.

"Wait what" She asks as I smile.

"Your so innocent it's so cute" I say again as I see a smile come to her face.

"Really" She asks as I nod "It's so adorkable" I say as she gives me a confused look. "Your adorable and a dork so put them together and your Adorkable" She laughs smiling "That's cute" she says "Your cute" I say as she laughs "Alright slow your roll their flirt" I laugh.

"I probably should talk to my parents" I hear her say as I shrug and look out the window onto the porch to see them sitting their.

"Yea I guess you do" I say as she looks at me "I'm sorry about my dad" I shake my head "It's okay he cares about you" I say as she sighs "He is never going to trust me with a guy again" I hear her say as I look at her "If you want to talk about what happend you can but don't feel pressure to, take your time" I see her smile at me. "Thanks Ross" I nod as I feel her squeeze my hand tighter as I look at her. "I want to tell you what happend" She says "Are you sure" She nods "Yea I'm sure" I smile nodding "Whenever your ready" I say positioning my self so I'm facing her as we continue to hold hands as I occasionally give her hand a squeeze.

"It was last year I was on a little break and I ended up meeting Adam. We talked and at first he seemed sweet but their was a side to him that scared me but I was interested in finding out what was going on so we hung out a couple of times and when I say we were in a relationship we never actually were dating nor boyfriend and girlfriend it was more of a friendship that went haywire kind of thing" I look at her nodding and can't help but thinking.... I want to be her first kiss and boyfriend...

"A week passed and we would talk and unfortunately I was not very smart and we got caught in public a couple times talking and next to each other and what not. I later found out that he was trying to get fame off of me-" I hear her trail off as I squeeze her hand and looking into her eyes "I'm here" I whisper as I see her smile a bit.

"One night we were driving around and we ended up at his house. We walked in and hung out for a bit when he started to act weird and before I know it we were in his room and he was trying to you know rape me-" She says trailing off again as my eyes soften as I wrap my arm around her pulling her into my chest as she leans against it closing her eyes.

"Long story short I was able to speed dial my sister and she came with the police and I got out free without losing anything to that ass" I hear her whisper as I nod holding her close to my chest.

"I am so sorry this happend to you" I whisper as she nods staying silent.

"I want to beat his ass" I say as I hear a small laugh come from my little angel.

"Did he get like arrested or anything" I ask.

"We put a restraining order on him and he got I think a couple months in prison for attempted rape" She says as I nod holding her not wanting anything bad to ever happen to this girl again.

"So when you said you have only been in one relationship were you counting that as one" She looks at me shaking her head. "I don't really know I guess I did not want you to think I was some lonely person so I said I had one relationship" She says as I look at her "I think it's sexy you never been in a relationship if I am being honest" She gives me a confused smile but none the less a smile.

"So Laura Marano has never had a boyfriend huh"

She laughs a bit "Unless you count the guy I apparently married using a ring pop when we were 5, and we ended up eating the ring pops like 5 minutes later" I laugh a bit.

"No that does not count" I say as she shrugs "Then I guess I have never been in an official relationship before" I nod at her smiling to myself god this makes her so much more attractive for some stupid reason. What am I thinking, I can't possibly like her right? I mean I did say I want to be her first kiss... and boyfriend... okay so maybe I do like her a bit... but I mean come on who does not like this girl. I mean just how she is and if you look at her, she's got it all.

"Ross" I look at her confused "Huh sorry what"

"You like were staring off in space after I said I have never been in an official relationship before"

I smile at her "Oh sorry just thinking" I say scratching my neck.. Damnet I do this when I'm nervous.

"Thinking of how to ask me out" She smirks as I look at her not knowing what to say tensing up as I hear her laugh.

"Jeez calm down Ross, I was just kidding" she says squeezing my hand as I calm down breathing again "Haha I knew that" I say as she laughs "Hm sure you did" I send her a cheeky smile as I hear the door open and their are her parents once again seeing us cuddled up on the couch...I am so dead, but it's worth it with Laura by my side.

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