Chapter 29

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Ross's POV:

Laura is leaning against the door as I think perfect time to mess with her. I step closer to her and take another step as I see her face soon get full of almost like sacredness and worriness as I soon feel a smack on my chest as Laura pushes me out of the way running up the stairs as I quickly follow her as she goes to her room slamming the door. I try to open it but it's locked as I hear what sounds like crying coming from her room...

What just happend...I knock on her door.

"Laur it's me what's wrong" I ask as gentile as I can getting no response but defiantly hearing her cry...

"Laura I want to help you please let me in" I say again getting no response as I sigh looking at the door, what the hell do I do? What happend? I can't just leave her crying...But at the same time I can't just stay and hang out in her house. But I need to make sure she's alright...

I wait a couple more minutes at her bedroom door to hear her still crying as I sigh knocking again.

"Laura please it's Ross please talk to me or let me make sure your okay" I say as I wait and no response from her as I sigh about to walk away and leave a note for her when I hear the door knob move and look to see Laura their in sweats and a tank top.... and damn she looks good. Not the time Lynch.

I smile at her quickly going to her wrapping my arms around her pulling her into a hug as I soon feel her arms wrap around me as I smile to myself lifting her up causing her to squeal a bit as I bring her to the bed sitting down sitting her on my lap, loving the feeling of her there.

I look at her to see her eyes all red and tears running down her face as I wipe the tears away and then wrap my arms around her protectively so she does not fall off of my lap.

"Shh, it's okay, I'm here and am not leaving" I whisper as she looks at me nodding letting her head fall onto my shoulder as I feel her arms go around my back gripping onto me tightly as I hear soft cries coming from her. I move my hand rubbing her back not daring to rub under her shirt.

We must stay like this for 20 minutes of silence until she lifts her head up a bit so we are looking at each other as I continue to rub her back and her grip around me not loosening at all.

"Did I do something wrong" I ask scared as she looks at me shaking her head "No" I hear her whisper "It wasn't you at all" I hear her whisper again as I nod feeling a ton of relief knowing I did not cause her to have a melt down, but still concerned why she broke down after I stepped closer to her...

"Why did you not leave" I hear her whisper as I look at her making sure our eyes lock "Cause I care about you" I say bringing one of my hands to her face and holding it on her cheek.

"I'm here whenever you need me" I whisper as I see a tiny smile form on her face for the first time since her melt down.

"Really" She asks as I smile nodding holding my hands on her face bringing it closer to mine.

"We may not have known each other for very long but that does not mean I care any less about you. It feels like I have known you forever"

I say causing her to have a tiny smile form on her face for the first time since her melt down as I can't help but smile at her.

"You really mean it" She asks sounding not convinced as I nod at her "I am here no matter what if you call at 3 am I will be here for you"

She smiles as I pull her face closer finding myself leaning in as she is frozen I am about to close the gap between us when...

I hear her ring tone going off as she jumps up and grabbing her phone looking at it "Can I take this" I nod as she unwraps her arms from me and she gets off of me walking in circles in her room as she runs her hand through her hair... god damn that is such a turn on...

"Yea... I got to leave by like 5 tomorrow though for Jace's birthday"

Of course Jace.... Who is that guy anyways like seriously? She seems pretty close to him... I mean I'm not jealous... pshh.... not at all... right? I bet he is just like a friend, he has to be right?

"Yea I mean I got most of them done" I hear her say as she sighs.

"By most I mean like basically done.... Seriously that close" I hear her shriek a bit.

"But we have not even announced the tour yet.... People are pre purchasing tickets already?.... Yea, yea I will have the songs done.... By next Week!.... I guess I can do that.... Okay bye" I hear her say as she runs her hand through her hair throwing her phone on the night stand as she groans throwing her head back.

I look at her seeing her in a very stressed state.

"Manager" I ask as she looks at me nodding sighing.

"I am so fucked" I hear her say as my mouth drops "Damn Marano did not know you had it in you" She rolls her eyes "Not the time Lynch" She says as I nod not liking the not playful Laura. This stressed one is not as fun.

"I can try to help if you want" I ask as she looks at me "Seriously"

"Yea how far are you with the songs" I ask as she sighs "I still need to write a whole another song and finish the last verse of one and finish the chorus of another" I look at her "Well guess we should get to song writing shouldn't we then" I see her smile at me grabbing a notebook from her dresser and coming to the bed sitting next to me.

"Let the songwriting begin then"

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